

The assignment must be completed this summer and turned in to your English teacher during the first 3 days of school (the first week).

  • You are required to have at least ten (10) passages quoted from the book and a response to each passage written in your own words.
  • Be sure the ten passages are representative of the entire book. In other words, ten passages taken only from the first few chapters or even the last few chapters will not be acceptable.
  • Each quoted passage (Selection) and response combination will be worth ten (10) points for a total of 100 points for this assignment.
  • Each response must be at least 60 words in length.
The goal of this assignment is to be actively engaged in the reading process and to make inferences rather than summarize.  
Students will select particular passages from their chosen book and comment thoughtfully on them, therefore learning how to begin a conversation with literature.     
  • Students should divide their paper into two columns. One column is labeled SELECTION; the other RESPONSE. (see Model from To Kill a Mockingbird)
  • Points will be deducted on the SELECTION side for failure to document accurately and completely according to the model provided.
  • Points will be deducted on the RESPONSE side for superficiality and incompleteness. Each response must be at least 60 words in length.

For the RESPONSE column, you have several ways to respond to a text:
  • Raise questions about the beliefs and values implied in the text
  • Give your personal reactions to the passage
  • Discuss the words, ideas, or actions of the author or character
  • Tell what it reminds you of from your own experiences
  • Write about connections you can make to other texts and ideas
  • Write about what it makes you think or feel
  • Argue with or speak to the characters or author
Please notice in the SELECTION column, you cite specific passages from the novel and include quotation marks and page numbers. 

See the Rubric for grading standards. If you have any trouble formatting your assignment, you may want to try filling in the Google document linked here and then print it out  (Form)